7th graders, check out the link for your weekly checklist. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bSYhKwnfXI6N-FHw6sUCetidSUOpHeuZyBTtS4c-dno/edit?usp=sharing
6th graders! 🤩🤩https://spark.adobe.com/page/sGijL8niggku0/
7th Grade Parents and Scholars. Here's your checklist for the week! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S0rWc9jtBEeI_N26-IEm14XXQrpBx_25ekR3eB0fqM8/edit?usp=sharing
✨🎉Scholars and Parents🎉✨ Don't forget, there's still time to order your Yearbook. Head over to My Payments Plus to purchase. Need more info on how to do that? Click here: https://5il.co/fgtp
It's 6th Grade POTW Time! https://spark.adobe.com/page/sGijL8niggku0/
Here's the 8th Grade checklist for the week of April 27th. https://drive.google.com/a/bryan.k12.ga.us/file/d/1NZELFLl2qrigNoEihmjGIVjGVtKHF0lo/view?usp=sharing
7th grade Scholars and Parents, here's your checklist for the coming week! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_K51YP-eNrgCDPad7FTunWaZbJa60kZbajTvkkvL-YQ/edit?usp=sharing
🎉 Congratulations to our Elite Scholars of the Month for March! 🎉
Parents. Looking for more information about how to set up My Payments Plus? Click the link below for help. Please contact us if you have any other questions. https://5il.co/fgtp
🎉🎉 Good News Everybody! 🎉🎉 Yearbooks are still on sale. Head over to mypaymentsplus.com to pay for yours. If "Yearbooks" doesn't appear on the page, click "Manage Account" then "Manage Students" to add your student. Once they're added to your account, you'll be able to pay!
Happy Celebrate Monday Morning 8th Graders. Here's your weekly checklist. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OwzJcAR_7s6EsG4LzpInJZsbev2TLizj/view?ts=5e9d6ebf
6th Grade. Take a Peek at Your Week. https://spark.adobe.com/page/sGijL8niggku0/
7th Grade. Here's your weekly checklist for eLearning this week. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wpNgxLwSp962Jn1GLYrzNTHg8Ld8l88storbeYzgCQ0/edit?usp=sharing
We are so proud of the ELITE work from our scholars duirng eLEARNING and thank you, parents and families, for all your support! Check out our news below!
#eLITEeLEARNING Week 4! Lots of great information and upcoming events! #BeBCMS
Scholars! BCHS needs you to register for classes! All the instructions are in the Class of 2024 Google Classroom! Please contact BCHS with questions-- your homeroom teacher can help you too! #BeBCMS
BCMS BINGO NIGHT!! Are you ready for some FREE entertainment for the whole family? Join us Thursday, April 16th for our 1st Virtual BINGO Night! Please RSVP using the link below. We will post the game link and official rules Thursday morning. #BeBCMS❤️🖤 #BINGONight🎟 #PrizesForTheFamily🥇🏆
8th Grade. Welcome back. We're so excited to see you again. Here's your Elite eLearning checklist for the week! https://drive.google.com/a/bryan.k12.ga.us/file/d/16ffbYoE6drM2oX-ZS_omBIvnoCHuVm43/view?usp=drivesdk
Welcome back 6th Grade! Hope you had a great break. Here's your Peek of the Week. https://spark.adobe.com/page/sGijL8niggku0/
#CelebrateMonday is on deck! We hope you all had an ELITE spring break! We are ready to kick off our 3rd week of eLearning with awesome events, including our third spirit week! Check out how you can participate! Also, parents, check your Peeks for the checklists to help keep your child organized! #BeBCMS Newsletter with information about meals, events, and our tech hub will be out tomorrow! Please email or text me with Qs!
7th graders are you excited? Here's your eLearning newsletter for next week! https://www.smore.com/0jtk3-7th-grade-e-learning