#SayCheese Bryan County Middle School will have picture day on Friday October 2nd! Pictures for our eLearners will be scheduled after school by appointment. Here is the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050C4BAEAE2FA3FE3-bryan
over 4 years ago, Bryan County Middle
It's another #CelebrateMonday at #BeBCMS ! We have lots of athletic events coming up this week as the cooler air welcomes FALL! We can't wait to see you on campus!
over 4 years ago, Bryan County Middle
Week of September 21st
6th Grade. Take a Peek at Your Week! https://spark.adobe.com/page/SIgmNOpuEhu7s/
over 4 years ago, JM
❤️🎉#BeBCMS spirit day tomorrow 9.17! Wear your favorite Bryan County Redkskins gear or black•red•white and a hat if you want to! We have a home football and softball game tomorrow after school! #LEO 🎉❤️💯
over 4 years ago, Bryan County Middle
Hey Hey 7th Grade. Here's your Peek of the Week! https://spark.adobe.com/page/UvhaCGtHOZdwd/
over 4 years ago, JM
over 4 years ago, JM
Take a look at your Peek Of The Week, 6th graders! https://spark.adobe.com/page/3JuMARwk3Bb2L/
over 4 years ago, JM
We are ready to #CelebrateMonday! Each grade level sends out a "Peek of the Week" each Sunday evening or Monday morning and you will get an overall #BeBCMS news once a month! Check out September news here --> https://www.smore.com/ucenf We are so proud of our return to school! Thank you for working together to keep our schoolhouse and scholars safe! #LEO
over 4 years ago, Bryan County Middle
BIG news for breakfast and lunch! Beginning tomorrow, all scholars will have FREE breakfast and FREE lunch for the semester. This is thanks to the USDA and the Seamless Summer Option which has been extended, due to COVID-19, until 12/30/2020. More information will be posted tomorrow for our virtual learners, as this also applies to them! #BeBCMS
over 4 years ago, Bryan County Middle
Welcome Mr. Michael Tountaskis! #BeBCMS is proud to welcome Mr. Tountaskis-- aka "Mr. T" to the family as our new Assistant Principal. Mr. T. comes to us from North Carolina where he spent the last five years as the Proud Principal of Harris Middle School. He has been an administrator and educator at every level- primary, elementary, middle, and high! He has teaching and coaching roots in South Georgia and is excited to get to work and to begin to find a new home for his 23 goats, 4 dogs, and one strange cat! He is married to Mariea and earned his BS from Cortland State, his Masters and EdS at Geogia Southern. We are ELITE level ExExExCited to have Mr. T join our team! Welcome Mr. T!
over 4 years ago, Bryan County Middle
7th grade. Hope your weekend was as awesome as you are! Here's your Peek of the Week. https://spark.adobe.com/page/UvhaCGtHOZdwd/
over 4 years ago, JM
6th Grade - Take a moment and Google "Labor Day" to understand why we had a holiday yesterday, then click here to look at your Peek of the Week! https://spark.adobe.com/page/kCYD5RS49bzRB/
over 4 years ago, JM
8th Graders - Enjoy your day off, but come back ready to learn. Take a Peek at Your Peek of the Week! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14S1AX0-uGbVtN_aaKdx2dIE9ohBD0MYDygzZTK2UcfI/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, JM
over 4 years ago, JM
7th Graders. Here's the link to your Peek of the Week. https://spark.adobe.com/page/UvhaCGtHOZdwd/
over 4 years ago, JM
Hey 6th Grade. Let's take a peek at your week! https://spark.adobe.com/page/F6h4ofiKvBslb/
over 4 years ago, JM
6th Grade. Each week, look for a post about the upcoming week. We call it the Peek of the Week. Take a look at your Peek for next week! https://spark.adobe.com/page/SCkOYPZHhRrgS/
over 4 years ago, JM
8th Grade Scholars. You know you want to. Go ahead. Take a Peek at your Week! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1J-GVfKeFsHb-tBFpjQW6ks_LVCr_ObKLM0T6m9juF4c/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, JM
7th Grade Scholars. Here's your Peek of the Week for the week of August 24th. https://spark.adobe.com/page/UvhaCGtHOZdwd/
over 4 years ago, JM