🎓 Seniors 🎓 - Be sure to order your cap, gown, and other senior items! Get your orders in before the price goes up! Visit www.gradnow.com for more information. ❤️🖤🤍 #BeBC #GoRedskins
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
Senior Stuff
Mrs. Simmon's 6th grade science students recently demonstrated their knowledge of why Earth’s moon appears different each night of the lunar cycle using Oreo cookies as their equipment. They got a little messy, but the learning sure was yummy! ❤️🖤🤍 #BeBC #GoRedskins
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
Oreo Moon Phase Lab
Oreo Moon Phase Lab
Oreo Moon Phase Lab
Oreo Moon Phase Lab
Our Middle School Family and Consumer Science students spent time researching the nutritional value of fruits... and then made delicious smoothies! Talk about a Win Win! 🥤❤️🖤🤍 #GoRedskins #BeBC
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
Smoothie Day
Smoothie Day
Smoothie Day
Basketball and Wrestling are now officially in season. Come out and support your Redskin Scholar Athletes! ❤️🖤🤍 #BeBC #GoRedskins
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
Athletic Update
🎺🎺Here comes the band! Two bus loads of Pride headed to Heard County. ❤️🖤🤍 #BeBC #GoRedskins
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
And they are off…wish our BCH Football team good luck as they travel to Heard Co to compete in Round 1 of the GHSA State Playoffs! #BeBC #GoRedskins❤️🤍🖤
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
We are pleased to announce that Hayden Joyner has SIGNED with Georgia Highlands College where she will continue her education and softball career! Congratulations Hayden!! #BeBC❤️🤍 #GoRedskins❤️🤍
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
Hayden Joyner-signed
We are pleased to announce that Bekah Johnson has SIGNED with Troy University where she will continue her education and softball career! Congratulations Bekah!! #BeBC❤️🤍 #GoRedskins❤️🤍
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
Bekah Johnson-signed
Wear Red, White, and Blue in celebration of Veteran's Day? You know our 6th graders are up for it! Sporting our national colors to Honor and Remember those served our country to protect our Freedom! ❤️🤍💙 #BeBC #GoRedskins
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
6th Grade RW&B
Our Lower School Art Department is always working on many interesting projects. I for one would love to know where they found bacon that size! ❤️🤍🖤#BeBC #GoRedskins
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
MS Art Classes
MS Art Classes
BCHS Scholars attended the annual Probe Fair. Probe is an annual program of college fairs and high school counselor workshops that are held throughout the state of Georgia. ❤️🖤🤍 #BeBC #GoRedskins
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
I know you're just as excited about our Golf Tournament as we are, but we're all going to have to wait a little longer. Due to the incoming storm, we're going to postpone the tournament. See the attached graphic for additional details. ❤️🤍🖤 #BeBC #GoRedskins
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
Golf Tournament Announcement
UPDATE! The BCHS Pageant is coming soon! Note: the date change...due to a previously schedule event, the pageant will now be on March 4th. Please see the save the date graphic along with the information sheets for each contestant. Please see Ms. Shelby with questions.
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
info 1
info 2
info 3
save the date
REDSKIN WARPATH: Join us Friday, 11/11 at 9:30AM in front of the high school gym as we send off our football team to Heard County to compete in the first round of the state playoffs. Let's send these boys off the Redskin Way! ❤️🖤🤍 #BeBC #GoRedskins
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
Football sendoff
Tomorrow is GAMEDAY for our BCH Basketball! 5:00/6:30 PM VS LONG CO *Remember digital tickets ONLY- purchase @ https://gofan.co/. Come out and support our Redskins! ❤️🖤🤍 #BeBC #GoRedskins
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
BCH Basketball-gameday 11-8
Our BCH Football team will be competing in the first round of the state playoffs on Friday, November 11th at 7:30PM at Heard County High School. If you are unable to attend the game, it will be streamed live on NFHS. ❤️🖤🤍 #BeBC #GoRedskins
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
Football round 1
Bryan County High School will be taking on Long County in a pre-season Scrimmage in the BCHS Gym on 11/8 starting at 5:00. Come dressed in your best Hawaiian shirts! See you there. ❤️🖤🤍 #BeBC #GoRedskins
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
BC vs. LC Scrimmage
Thank you for making our Book Fair amazing and creating memories that will last a lifetime! Parents and scholars can still shop our online book fair through November 13. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/bryancountymiddle 📚❤📕#RedskinsRead
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
It's MEET DAY for our BCH Cross Country athletes! Good luck to all our runners! #BeBC #GoRedskins❤️🤍🖤
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
cross country state 2022
Families, friends, and community members-you are invited to attend our annual Veteran's Day program on Wednesday, Nov. 9th at 9:45am in the high school gym. We hope to see you there! #BeBC
about 2 years ago, BCMHS
Veterans day