The Community Education Office offers a variety of after school and evening classes for children and adults of all ages. These classes were created to provide students with a positive outlet to explore their creativity, expand their knowledge, and find new interests and hobbies.
Community Education classes are taught by a staff of qualified instructors. Schedules for students’ classes may vary from a one-day class to monthly or several week sessions. Classes such as art, dance, gymnastics, karate, piano, soccer, Snapology, Taekwondo and tennis are held throughout the year. Early registration is encouraged since all classes have a maximum enrollment.
Click here for a summary of 2022-2023 class schedules, and register online at bryan.ce.eleyo.com, a convenient, mobile-friendly website that allows you to manage your Community Education account from any device, including your smart phone or tablet. Confirmation will be emailed to you upon completion of registration.